
On this page I will list all my blog posts in which I have written something about the crafts that I do. This will be quite varied, as I do quite a nice variety of crafts.
So it will not only be knitting and crochet, but also spinning, wet felting, needle felting, waldorf style doll making, waldorf style puppet making and various others. 

Please feel free to leave a comment under one of the posts. I would love to hear from you. You can also ask me a question. I can explain things if you'd like or simply hook you up with a pattern. Just let me know what you would like me to do.

Finn the shark, test knit for Linda Dawkins
Henrietta Hedgehog, test knit for Linda Dawkins
Toe-up sock pattern
Celtic earth hat, test knit for Linda Dawkins
Marin the horse
Everett the elephant, test knit for Linda Dawkins

Knitting tutorial videos
How to make a stitch between 2
How to wrap a stitch
Cast on toe-up socks
Knit wrapped stitches

The Sophie blanket
Dutch blanket
Dutch blanket, update 1
Dutch blanket, update 2, finished
Circles of the sun, CAL
Hellebore flower

Spindle spinning
Spinning Jacob fibre

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