Friday 22 July 2016

Crochet workshops

Soon I'm off to a festival for home educators, named HEFF. I'll be running the crochet workshops. For that purpose I have written out a few patterns that I have been using for years and years and years, without ever having had a pattern for it. But I figured it would be useful to actually have them written out, so that they can easily be used by anyone. I also decided to put them Ravelry as free downloadable patterns, so others can benefit from them as well.

The hats I have made many times over the years, my kids used to love them. In the meantime they have outgrown that style a bit. 

 The picture to the right is a stitch sampler that I made, it will be useful as a washcloth. It has, in British terminology, chain, double crochet, half treble, treble and double treble in there. This is so that you can practise making the stitches and finding your tension. In this sampler yarn and tension isn't very important. 


And the last pattern I wrote out was for a granny square. I also quickly made the projects to have something physical to show. 
For this granny square you can take which ever yarn, just make sure your hook fits well with it. You can make 1 or many and then stitch them together to make a baby blanket or a real blanket. 

Here are the links to my patterns on ravelry, they are free downloads.
Lace hat
Washcloth stitch sampler
Granny square

I hope you have enjoyed my patterns. Feel free to comment or ask a question. I'd love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful day!

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