Sunday 17 January 2016

Shocking news: HPV cover up

Today I received an email in which I read some shocking news.

The following is part of it:

Dr. Sin Hang Lee, MD, Director, Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, has submitted an official, open-letter complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan, alleging gross misconduct, malfeasance and what potentially amounts to criminal behavior to mislead the global public regarding the safety of HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.

Dr. Lee has submitted a lengthy letter detailing communications between health officials from the US, Canada, Japan, and the WHO, which demonstrate that these officials knew that HPV vaccines cause an inflammatory reaction greater than other vaccines, yet reassured the public in official hearings and statements that the vaccines were safe.

Specifically, certain chemicals contained in the HPV vaccines have been demonstrated to trigger the release of cytokines or proteins called tumor necrosis factors (TNF) in the body. TNF cytokines can cause cell death. The release of the TNF can also result in a wide range of reactions such as tumor regression, septic shock (serious whole-body inflammatory response that can result in dangerously low blood pressure and death), and cachexia (a wasting syndrome where the body loses weight, becomes fatigued, and muscles atrophy). Administration of TNF has been proven to cause death in humans and animals.

The chain of emails shows what appears to be a trail of attempts to conceal the truth, cover up the dangers, and generally mislead the public about what is and is not known about HPV vaccines and the dangers inherent to them.

The officials discuss how to respond to the safety concerns raised by legitimate scientific inquiry rather than ways to ascertain the true extent of the dangers uncovered in the independent research. Official statements deliberately mislead the public about what is known of the dangers of the contaminants discovered in the HPV vaccines as well as the bodily responses to these ingredients. Official statements appear to be a deliberate attempt to confuse the public into believing the safety concerns have been addressed in the peer-reviewed, published scientific literature when this is not the case.


Read further at:

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